报告题目(英文):Material efficiency improvement by agglomeration in the iron-making process
报告人简介(中文):王川,瑞典皇家研究院冶金研究所可持续发展工艺技部,资深研究员/教授。2007年获得瑞典吕勒奥工业大学能源工程博士学位,同年在瑞典皇家研究院冶金研究所任职。主要科研领域包括冶金工艺开发、炼铁模拟及优化、钢铁厂全流程优化及能流物流分析、节能减排工艺技术开发。王川教授参与并主持多项欧盟及瑞典基金委的重大项目(总经费达3000万克朗+2000万欧元),近年来专注于研究生物质在冶金工艺过程的应用,他是瑞典创新局生物质冶金工艺研究开发应用项目的首席。王川教授曾任钢铁制造业系 统整合研究中心副主任,应邀参加并主持多项国际会议,近年来在有影响力的国际期刊和会议上发表论文90余篇。他与很多研究机构,如瑞典皇家工学院、吕勒奥工业大学、奥卢大学、爱博学术大学、挪威科技大学、亚琛工业大学、德国BFI研究院和比利时皇家冶金研究院均有良好的合作经历;同时也与各大企业,如瑞典钢铁集团、LKAB、DK、芬兰罗奇公司、瑞典奥沃科公司、米塔尔公司、日本钢铁公司、日本新日铁公司和宝钢都有过良好合作。
报告人简介(英文):Prof. Wang has been working on CO2 emission reduction, energy and material efficiency improvement for the iron and steel industry for more than 15 years. He has been undertaken many research projects as the principle investigator, has been actively involved in many projects financed by EU, regional and Sweden national agencies and his total budget is around 30,000,000 SEK+20,000,000Euro. In recently years, Prof. Wang focus on utilizing biomass for the iron and steelmaking processes and has more than 90 publications. He is an reviewer of many international journals, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Biomass & Bioenergy, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, and an technical reviewer of EU RFCS project. He has good cooperation with academic partners, KTH, LTU, Oulu Univ.,Abo Akademi, NTNU, RWTH Aachen, BFI, CSM, and also with industrial partners, such as SSAB, LKAB, Ruukkii, Ovako, ArcelorMittal, Dk recycling, JFE, Nippon Steel, Baosteel.
报告人单位(英文):The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
报告时间:2020-11-07 15:00